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© Copyright 2001 by Dotty Storer.
All rights reserved.

Breathable Plastic:

Now you can wear your favorite classic T shirt in the fabrics of tomorrow! The new Breathable Plastic is ready for you. Enjoy the vibrant colors and the soft feel of the fabric. Order one today.

Our staff has conquered the challenges of recycling plastic into fabrics that are comfortable and very stylish.

We now offer Snug Basic and Shiny Long Sleeve T Shirts in the new breatheable plastic. Watch for more styles and colors to appear soon in this trendy new fabric.


100% Cotton. Cotton… It's fashionable, natural and versatile. Cotton is soft as velvet yet durable as your favorite jeans. There is no sensation like the feel of pure natural cotton against the skin and there's no better start to the day than the comforting touch of a soft, absorbent cotton towel. Around the world, today's discerning consumers choose cotton and recognize US cotton as the world's leading fashion fiber.


Truly a miracle of science, polyethylene terephthalate (PET)-polyester-is a very popular manufacturing material. Since 1949, when we spun the very first Dacron® polyester fiber at our Seaford, Delaware, plant, we have focused on sustained growth and opportunity for this remarkable material.

Used in a wide variety of products, Polyester touches virtually every part of people's lives every day!

Polyester is an easy care fabric that holds color well.

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