
Good Website Examples

The examples below range from personal websites to corporate giants.

I reccomend using the Web Developer Toolbar for Firefox when exploring these websites so you can more easily find out what makes them work.

The Zen of CSS Design: Visual Enlightenment for the Web (Voices That Matter)CSS Zen Garden - Beautiful website promoting the use of CSS for formatting and improved accessiblility for visitors and search engines. The book The Zen of CSS Design : Visual Enlightenment for the Web explains how the website was built and is an excellent resource for inspiration and CSS techniques.

Didjeridu-ings - Attractive layout and graphics. Move your cursor around the screen to activate the interactive menu. This is an example example of the proper use of Flash graphics and sound.

php - Elegant in its simplicity.

Uncle Ben's Interactive Cookbook - Good example of menus and forms.

Website Tips - A site about website design and development should be a model for its visitors. This one lives up to expectations.

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