
Daily Jigsaw Service for Your Website

Instructions     More webmaster resources at Scripts and code snippets

Daily Jigsaw Image & Link
Daily online
Jigsaw Puzzle
  • Attract visitors to your website

  • Keep them on your website longer and viewing more pages

  • Have visitors return to your site more frequently

  • Add fun content to your newsletter or eZine

Click the picture or link above to play the daily JigCard puzzle. This free puzzle service is now available to place on your own website or in your newsletter or eZine.


Choose the method that is best for you:

  • Create a link to the puzzle at JigCard Gallery. This can be a text or image link and is the quickest to install.

  • Copy the code and display the puzzle on your site. (This method currently supports only the untimed puzzle.)

  •  Use the JigCard Gallery RSS feed. If you know how to add an RSS feed to your site, you can customize how it is displayed. The links will display the jigsaw puzzle on the JigCard Gallery website. (The RSS can also be added to your RSS reader for your personal use. See Rsslib at 2RSS.com for software to display RSS on your website. )

To create a link to the daily puzzle at JigCard Gallery:

To display the daily picture on your site, or in your newsletter or eZine, with a link to the puzzle at JigCard Gallery:
Copy the following code and place it anywhere on your website.

If you know html, you may modify it as you wish. (You may link to http://www.jigcardgallery.com/JigCard/Daily-Jigsaw.asp instead of http://www.jigcardgallery.com/JigCard/Jig1.asp if you wish.) For an html newsletter or eZine, you could combine this method with the next by including this code in your newsletter and changing the URL to point to the puzzle page on your site. If your newsletter or eZine is sent by a text email, refer to http://www.jigcardgallery.com/JigCard/Jig1.asp or your own puzzle page URL instead of using the above code.

To place the daily puzzle on your own webpage:

  1. Create a webpage for the Daily Jigsaw Puzzle by copying the following code and saving it as a separate webpage.

    Add code to the above file for the top and bottom of the page if you wish.

  2. Create a link to your Daily Jigsaw Puzzle page on any of your webpages by copying the following code, replacing xxx.html with the location of your webpage:

  3. If you know html, you may modify the above html as you wish within the restrictions described above.

  4. Here's an example:
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